Free 90 minute LIVE WEBINAR WITH Jeremy Youst, Power of Breath Institute co-founder and director
"…I did the breath reset again today - and I feel as though I've truly tapped into something very helpful for me. I'm trained in yoga, took classes in pranayama etc. But dealing with Multiple Sclerosis has dampened a lot, and neither kapalibati or alternate nostril breathing ever really 'touched' me; and I often fidget myself out of a meditation after about 10 minutes! Somehow - this little program has touched me quite deeply and I now feel drawn to use it daily!"
- Barbara Bononno
“THANKS A MILLION!!! I was able to join the call this week…IT WAS WONDERFUL!!! I can't wait until next week. I am all about the 'Body', getting the message.”
Paula Allen, Transformation Ministry

“Healing Trauma with the Power of Breath”
For Mental Health Practitioners, Therapists, and Alternative Healers
When you introduce breath awareness and conscious breathing into your practice you add a powerful somatic element that amplifies the effective of whatever technique you use, bridging the mind-body gap and improving your clients’ ability to make progress. Breathing more fully yourself, you increase your effectiveness to connect, assess and treat your clients on the mental, emotional and physical level.
Conscious breathing builds on the practice of Mindfulness in supporting the essential brain-body changes necessary for regulation, integration and sustained healing. As an added benefit, conscious breathing can become a powerful part of your own self-care, helping you to be a more attuned therapist, and help you be more resilient after a long day’s work!
In this live 90-minute experiential and energizing webinar you will learn practical strategies and new perspectives. You will receive instruction, breath exercises, personal interaction with Jeremy and the other participants, as well as time for Q&A.
Next date Tuesday, May 9, 2017
7 pm (Eastern Time)
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Learn three neurophysiological reasons why the breath is an essential element in connecting a client with their body, and getting their minds, hearts and bodies all together in the room
Discover how your breathing as well as your client’s is key to establishing multilevel safety, interpersonal vagal regulation and provides a clear pathway to assessing their cognitive, affective and physiological status
Review the first step of attention management, teaching a client to be mindful of their breathing, and how this support treatment goals regardless of the kind of somatic technique being employed
Learn a few simple breath exercises to use right away with your clients
Learn the secret to why using conscious breathing technique (Somatic Breath Therapy) is safe and self-regulating
Find out how including body and breath create deeper resonance, trust, confidence and willingness in any therapeutic process

Jeremy Youst
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